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Ervamatin Hair Growth Lotion 200ml x 2 bottles

Recommended as a treatment for hair loss, hair regeneration, dandruff, alopecia, baldness, and fragile and dry hair.
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$60.00 incl tax

 Ervamatin  for men and Women                                                  Click Here .  

Ervamatin Power is a natural product, created exclusively for the treatment of hair loss. It is used by men and women of all ages and with different capillary problems. CTFA (The Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association) in New York - USA recognizes all herbs used in this formula and is accepted by The World Health Organization.


1st and 2nd month: Restores the hair follicle degenerated, recovering the root of the hair, eliminating dandruff, and excessive sebun in the scalp and resulting consequently in the end of grease excess.

 2nd and 3rd month: The hair loss ends.

3rd, 4th, and 5th month: The growth of the hair starts again. The product must be applied to the scalp twice a day, gently massaging into the scalp for 30 seconds. You do not need to wash or rinse. The benefits arise in different styles from organism to organism. At the beginning of the treatment, it's normal that the weak hair falls, to then grow other new, strong, and beautiful hair.

BALDNESS: The most common, no doubt, is called Alopecia or male baldness. This manifestation can be associated with high levels of male hormones in the blood. This kind of baldness is caused by the increase of alpha 5 reductase in the scalp.

DANDRUFF: Scale of the scalp. It is caused by fungus proliferation.

HAIR LOSS: Caused by the weakness of the capillary root, which makes the hair fall out.

GREASY: Hypersecretion by the sebaceous gland is caused by excess dirt in the scalp.

DRY AND FRAGILE: The sun, the wind, and the pollution are all factors that cause the common problems. NO BRIGHTNESS, VOLUME AND SLOW.GROWTH: This problem is caused by the need for oxygen, it is caused by the atrophy of hair follicles.


Modern biochemical knowledge reveals that medication for baldness treatment acts on three main targets:  

 Peripheral vessel dilatation effect, increasing nourishment of the scalp;  

Inhibition of the alpha enzyme that changes testosterone into dihydro-testosterone causes atrophy of the hair follicle;  

 The effects of the fungus that infects the scalp.

Scientific Explanation

Modern biochemical knowledge reveals that medication for baldness acts on three main targets: peripheral vessel dilatation effect, increasing nourishment of the scalp, inhibition of the alpha reeducates enzyme that changes testosterone (male hormone) into dihydro-testosterone that causes atrophy go the hair follicle and the effects on the fungus, that infects the scalp.

Ervamatin Power was tested on hundreds of patients, men, and women of all ages, with positive effects. This evidence made us study plants with pharmacological properties that can stimulate hair growth or delay its falling out as well as reduce baldness, dandruff, hair loss, excessive sebum in the scalp, greasy hair, and alopecia.

The vessel dilatation effect viewed by Ervamatin Scientists was greater than expected, considering the pilocarpina concentration found in it. This activity proved an increase in nutrient diffusion to the scalp, improving nourishment of the follicle, and resulting in hair recuperation.

It is proven to be effective against baldness, dandruff, hair loss, excessive sebum in the scalp, greasy hair, and alopecia.

Advertence Tips

Use a neutral-organic shampoo. 

To keep the beauty of hair is necessary to have a healthy alimentation.

The continued use of hats and caps, as well as washing hair every day can provoke big damage to hair roots. Once hats and caps have the necessary oxygen from the hair follicle, they weaken the hair roots and provoke hair loss.

Washing hair every day can make the root become very weak, also provoking hair loss.


                     Efficacy proved by millions of men and women in hair treatment.

Attribute name Attribute value
Manufacturer Ervamatin Canada
Package 200ml - 2 bottles
Approval CNF # 184402
Weight 0.550kg